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The Governors are an integral part of the running of our school. They provide challenge, support, expertise, encouragement and critical friendship throughout the year.

Meetings of the whole governing body are held twice termly in school and various working groups and committees meet at other times. These groups are made up from different members of the whole body. The Governors are drawn from the local community, parents and other representatives. We have a Governing Body who are very involved with the school. Because of work and family commitments some have more time to spend in school than others but they are all very committed to the continuing improvement of our village primary school. Much of the work of the Governing Body is done by committees which focus on different aspects of school business. Dennington shares its Governing Body with Charsfield Primary.

Our Governing Body has the following committees:

Curriculum and Ethos Committee

Its main purpose is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil attainment and progress, and ensuring that the school’s curriculum is broad and balanced and meets statutory requirements. This committee also overseas the school ethos with particular attention to the school's links with the Church of England.

Resources Committee

This committee’s main purpose is to ensure that the school spending remains within budget and that all funds are spent wisely to best meet the needs of the pupils. Health and safety of the school site is also part of this committee’s remit.

Steering Committee

The main role of this small committee is to be available to respond to matters of particular difficulty, sensitivity or urgency and offer advice to the Headteacher on key decisions. The membership consists of the Chair of Governors, Vice Chair and the Chairs of the Resources and Effectiveness Committees.




Term starts

Term ends

Executive Head

Paul Parslow-Williams

Ex officio


Co-opted Governor

Andrew Cillicott



Parent Governor

Kate Fell (Chair)



Parent Governor

Katya Wilkinson



Staff Governor

Charys Rushbrook

(Head of School Dennington)



Foundation Governor

Kirsten Fletcher 



Foundation Governor

Anne Lawrence



Trust Governor

Emma Keeble



Paul Parslow-Williams

Paul started teaching in Norfolk primary schools in 1998 following a previous career as a Marine Biologist. He is currently in his 10th year of headship and is the Executive Headteacher of Dennington and Occold Primary Schools. He is also the Deputy CEO of the All Saints Schools Trust.  Prior to taking up his current role he held the post of Lecturer in Primary Education at the University of East Anglia for seven years where he was involved in both educational research and teacher training. Paul’s particular interests include Primary STEM, SEN and curriculum design and he has supported schools in these areas through his role as a Local Leader in Education (LLE). 


Occold Primary School <>

Charys Rushbrook

I am the Head of School of Dennington School and I also work as English Subject Lead and Swallows Class Teacher at Dennington.  Sometimes I wonder quite how I got into these roles as I came in six years ago intending to do just a small amount of part-time class teaching! However, small schools tend to have that hold on people, inspiring loyalty and aspirations for great things, and so I find myself hooked on wanting to help make our schools amazing places of learning for our children and forces for good in our villages. I work four days at school and the rest of my time is spent looking after four children, ranging from Primary School to University, and walking the dog (when none of the four can be persuaded to walk her).  My husband David is a minister of a local Church and I am involved in the work there also. All that does not leave a lot of time for hobbies but I do love to read and I force myself to play netball from time to time.

Kate Fell

I live in Dennington and have three boys who currently attend Dennington school so I have got to know the school quite well over the past 3 years.  I have been an active member of FODS and enjoy helping out where I can.  I feel very proud of our village schools and the amazing pupils and teachers and look forward to helping them continue to flourish. For my “real job” I run an estate agents in Ipswich.  I work part-time (in theory) and try to limit checking my emails too much when the children are around.  I enjoy long walks along the beach and my baking is improving.

Anne Lawrence 

My varied career in food marketing and business was interspersed with several years as Practice Manager for a Farm Animal and Equine Vet and County Organiser for Cambs YFC.

We moved from Cambridgeshire to Suffolk where I ran our holiday cottage business until we moved to Dennington in 2017.  I am an Invigilator in two Secondary schools locally and a reception class volunteer at another primary school.

My hobbies include sewing, reading and singing in a choir and was appointed as a Foundation Governor at Dennington as a result of my links with a local church.

Katya Wilkinson-Pate

I live in a neighbouring village to Dennington and have two girls currently at Dennington School.  I believe small, rural schools can have a hugely positive impact on the children who attend them and Dennington is no exception to this.  I have a background in commercial purchasing and membership development but I am currently working at home on our arable farm.  I feel strongly that all children should have access to a nurturing, inspiring and supportive education.


A list of the interests of our governors can be seen in attached document below.

All Saints Schools Trust

Dennington Church of England Primary School converted to academy status in 2018 and is now part of the All Saints Schools Trust.  This is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales (Company Number: 11216388). The registered office is as follows: All Saints Church of England Primary School, Framlingham Road, Laxfield, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP13 8HD.

You can email general enquiries to or call 01986 798344.

Details of the trust's funding agreements, articles, accounts, and other detailed governance arrangements can be found on the All Saints Schools Trust Website.