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Below you can see some of the things that the classes at Dennington have been doing. 

There are more photographs of these events in the Photo Gallery section. 

We are delighted to share these photographs with parents, but we ask  that you do not share any of them on any social media platforms, please.  

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  • Water fight

    Published 28/09/22

    On one of the hottest days of the year, we had a fun time cooling off in our whole school water fight!

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  • Sports Day 2022

    Published 28/09/22

    We had lovely weather for our sports day this year, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. After spending the morning completing different sporting events to win prizes for our house, we walked down to the village field to complete in the races. The parents cheered on as the children took part in the sprint, egg and spoon, piggies in blankets and space hopper races. Attenborough house were thrilled to have won the sports day trophy this year having collected the most points for their team throughout the day.  

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  • Dennington Summer Fayre

    Published 28/09/22

    Our summer fare was a great success! The BBQ, tea and cakes stall proved to be popular, and the children particularly enjoyed playing splat the rat and the football stall. The highlight of the day was the dog show. So many dogs were in attendance, proudly displaying their rosettes for winning the different classes in the dog show including waggiest tail, dog most like their owner and best / worst trained dog.

    Thank you so much to the Friends of Dennington School for organising the fayre. We raised a grand total of £1,461.16 for the school.

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  • The Platinum Jubilee

    Published 28/09/22

    The whole school spent a lovely day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee on the school field with our families. All children and teachers came into school dressed in the clothing of one of the decades of the Queen's reign. After eating fish and chips and ice-cream for lunch, each class performed a maypole dance. The children entered cakes into the Jubilee cake baking competition which were judged with prizes handed out. We showed parents our Jubilee art work and time-line which was then displayed in Dennington Church during the Jubilee weekend.  

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  • Wren Experience Neolithic Britain

    Published 28/09/22

    Wrens class had an exciting day learning about what life was like in Neolithic Britain, when we visited Gressenhall Farm. We took part in a number of hands-on activities including how to hunt and gather food, building shelters, farming and grinding wheat to make bread. We all decided that it was hard work living in the Stone Age!

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  • Swallows Trip to London 2022

    Published 28/09/22

    Swallows had a very special trip to London this year. We went on the train to Liverpool Street and then the tube to the British Museum, where we had a fascinating time looking at the Ancient Greek artefacts there. We had a lovely wander around London, including cooling off at Trafalgar Square and the all important McDonald's! The absolute highlight was seeing the show "Matilda" at the theatre - we were blown away by the performance! The children were superbly behaved and were all had an amazing day and a very late night! 

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  • Cosy Reading Day

    Published 28/09/22

    The whole school took part in Cosy Reading Day to celebrate the love of reading at Dennington School. We spent the day feeling very cosy in our pyjamas, sipping hot chocolate and reading books.

    We read our own books, listened to class stories, read books to children in different classes and had fun answering quiz questions about our favourite books.

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  • Dennington wins bronze at Tag Rugby Tournament!

    Published 01/12/21

    Well done to everyone. You all played so well winning bronze medals in the Tag Rugby tournament held at Thomas Mills High School.

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  • Sizewell Power Station Trip

    Published 30/11/21

    Swallows class had a great time exploring the visitor centre at Sizewell Power Station as part of our work on Electricity. To find out more and see all the pictures, visit the photo gallery section of the website.

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  • Children in Need

    Published 26/11/21

    To raise money for Children in Need we came to school dressed in spots and brought in lots of coins to cover our big Pudsey Bear.

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  • School Council

    Published 15/11/21

    Here are the new school council members wearing their badges proudly! 

    Being part of the school council is a very important job at Dennington School. One child is voted in to represent each year group, and they get an opportunity to help with the running of the school.

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  • Dennington win silver in football competition!

    Published 26/10/21

    Our amazing year 5 and 6 children competed in the HSSSP football tournament held at Hartismere High School. They came 2nd in the competition and are all very proudly wearing their silver medals! A fantastic team effort, played with great enthusiasm. Jon and Charlie won a good sportsmanship award chosen by the referees. 

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